Who wants AOL?
Remember a few years ago when America Online was so big, it merged with Time Warner? Crazy times. And while the whole "AOL Time Warner" deal might seem like a terrible one in retrospect (just ask Time Warner), rumors are flying about their pending sale. But who's going to step up?
The New York Times was talking last Thursday about everyone's favorite software giant, Microsoft, making a bid. But now CNET reports that Google could beat the big MS to the punch. And why, do you ask? The $380 million in revenue Google gets from AOL every year.
Microsoft's goal in all of this is probably to expand their Web horizons. Despite making msn.com the home page for every Internet Explorer browser, it's still not the most popular Web site on the 'Net (that title goes to Yahoo!) - which must be a major disappointment for Bill Gates and company. Merge MSN with AOL's Web portal, however, and the story may be different.
If the reports are true, somehow I don't think this will be the first time we see a scuffle between Microsoft and Google. As for now, let's see how this AOL deal plays out.
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